Notes in Zettelkasten.
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Content List
- iraq letter Doing Fieldwork in Iraq
- .net
- 'Arif brothers
- (not) Science Fiction
- 1-1 meetings
- 1975 Algiers Agreement
- 1997 asian financial crisis
- 2006 lebanon israel war
- 2009 niger river delta insurgency
- 2021 goals
- 2025 goals
- 48 palestine vs 67 palestine
- 5g marketing
- a conflict time forgot (Western Sahara and Maurtania)
- abd al-karim al-uzri
- abdul hadi al-darraji
- abdul karim qasim
- abstract and reasoning corpus
- abu ali al-basri/adnan ibrahim al-najjar
- abu hamid al-ghazali
- abu mahdi al-muhandis
- abu ubyad
- abu zainab al-lami/hussein falal aziz al-lami
- Abu-Rish: Lebanon's Uprising in a Time of Crisis
- access now
- Acehan - Turkish Leatherworkers in Peabody, Massachusetts
- Aciksoz - Sacrificial Limbs of Soverignty
- actor model
- actor network theory
- Adalet - Hotels and Highways
- adam optimizer
- Adamcyzk: Twenty years of protection of civilians at the UN Security Council
- Adar - Emotions and Nationalism: Armenian Genocide as a Case Study
- adil abdul-mahdi
- adjacency lists
- adnan al-asadi
- ads/cft
- Adversarial NLI (ANLI)
- advisory group of experts (AGE)
- Adya et al: Slicer Auto-Sharding for Datacenter Applications
- aerobic capacity
- afghanistan
- afghanistan visa
- afl (american fuzzy lop)
- africa
- african union (au)
- Ahmed - Afghanistan Rising
- Aiken et al: Deconstructing Process Isolation
- ain al-tamur
- air traffic
- airbus 350 servers
- airlines bailout - 2020
- Akdedian et al: State atrophy and the reconfiguration of borderlands in Syria and Iraq
- Akhbari
- akka
- al zajel express
- al-abbas combat division (brigade 26)
- al-aziziyah
- al-Dewachi - Ungovernable Life: Mandatory Medicine and Statecraft in Iraq
- al-fadl discussion
- al-Fadl: What Type of Law is Islamic Law
- al-hamza
- al-Husri
- al-Jabbar - The Shiite Movement in Iraq
- al-Juwayni
- al-khoei foundation
- al-numaniyah
- al-nusra
- al-Qaeda
- al-Qassem brigades
- al-shafi'i
- al-zafaraniyah
- Alaaldin et al: The Rise and the Future of Militias in the MENA Region
- albania
- alfred north whitehead
- algeria
- algeria and prostitution
- algorithms
- algorithms for decision making
- algorithms for optimization
- Ali Abdullah Saleh
- ali al-wardi
- ali shakir al-khafaf
- Ali Shariati
- allocators
- alloy (spec lang)
- alsaree3
- amal
- american amnesia
- american reverie
- americas
- amerli
- amman message (2005)
- amnesty and post-conflict
- analogy and cognition
- Anastasio Somoza
- anbar
- Anderson - Imagined Communities
- andrei kolmogorov
- anfal campaign
- angola
- anki
- anki-test
- annotations
- Anscombe - State, Faith, and Nation
- anthropology
- anthropology as an ill-structured domain blog post
- antinarcotics in afghanistan
- antonio guterres
- api machinery (k8s)
- approximate nearest neighbor
- Arab Image Foundation
- arabian satire - poetry from hmedan
- arabic
- arabic names
- arabic nlp
- arbaeen
- Archiving a Revolution: Smartphones, Social Media, & Protest
- are experts real?
- Arendt - The Human Condition
- argentina
- ariha
- Arista
- arms management and destruction
- arthur young
- article 140
- articles
- asa'ib ahl al-haqq (aah)
- Asad - Formations of the Secular
- Asad - Secular Translations
- ashraf qazi
- ashura
- asian development bank
- assembly
- astronomy
- astronomy in iraq
- async cpp
- atlantic meridional overturning circulation
- atomic
- audio detection
- austin's theory of law
- authoritarial intent and fixing things when they're generating profit
- authoritarian problems with humantiarian aid
- autodefensas unidas de colombia (AUC)
- autograd (pytorch)
- automatic differentiation
- Average is Over
- average pooling
- avionics
- avocados in the middle east
- awk
- aws
- Ayatollah al-Khoei
- ayn al-asad air base
- aynas naji al-maksusi
- Azam - Sexual Violation in Islamic Law
- azimuth thrusters
- Azoulay: Archive
- azure
- Baath
- Babi
- babil
- backprop
- badr
- baghdad
- bahdini
- bahrain
- balad ruz
- balkans
- baltic states
- bangladesh
- baqubah
- Barber et al: Trading is Hazardous to Your Wealth
- Barnett et al: International Organizations and the Diffusions of Power
- base period training
- basel committee on banking supervision
- baseyian optimization
- bash
- basra
- Bateson - Steps to an Ecology of Mind
- battle of solfernio
- Bayat - Revolution without Revolutionaries
- bayesian
- beam vm
- Beath et al - The National Solidarity Program in Afghanistan
- behdini and iraqi arabic and lack of grammar
- beirut trash riots
- Berdal: What Are the Limits to the Use of Force in UN Peacekeeping?
- bert
- bertrand russel
- BGC Vaccine
- bgp
- bharatiya janata party (bjp)
- bias nlp project
- big data processing
- bigbench
- bikepacking
- biking in nyc website
- bildungsroman
- binary decision diagrams
- biology
- bismayah
- black axe (nigeria)
- black box optimization
- black scholes
- Blanch - Sabers of Paradise
- Blaydes - State of Repression
- bleu score
- blockchain
- Blocq: The Fog of UN Peacekeeping
- blogging platforms
- Blumi - Ottoman Refugees, 1878-1939
- Blumi: The Albania Question Looms Over the Balkans Again
- bolivia
- boogaloo boys blog post
- books
- bosnia
- botorch
- bottle sorters blog post
- Bouillion et al - Iraq: Preventing Another Generation of Conflict
- bourdieu
- Bovcon: France's Conflict Resolution Strategy in Côte d'Ivoire and its Ethical Implications
- bowes: level triggering and reconciliation
- bpf
- bpf for storage
- Braben - Scientific Freedom: The Elixir of Civilization
- brady plan
- Brahimi report
- brazil
- brent
- brigade 80
- brigades
- broadcasting and multicast
- Brubaker: Religious Dimensions of Political Conflict and Violence
- brunei
- btr-50
- build systems
- bully algorithm
- Bunz: School Will Never End: On Infantilization in Digital Environments
- burundi
- buy side
- bytecode
- byzantine fault tolerance (BFT)
- c (language)
- c preprocessor
- c-sharp
- c/cpp shared resources
- cabinet degree 301 (2014)
- cache
- calculators
- Caliskan et al: Semantics derived automatically from language corpora contain human-like biases
- cambodia
- camel
- camp ashraf
- Can - Spiritual Subjects
- cantor set
- cap theorm (brewer's conjecture and the feasibility of consistent, available, partition-tolerant web services
- capability trap blog post
- captum
- Card and DiNardo: Skill-Biased Technological Change and Rising Wage Inequality
- career advice
- Carse - Finite and Infinite Games
- cash based incentives for ddr
- Cassandra
- category theory
- catholics
- caustics
- cbs independent review
- cellular networks
- CentOS
- central african republic (CAR)
- central asia
- Charles Taylor
- Chaterjee - The Nations and Its Fragments
- chatgpt
- cheating blog post
- chechnya
- chile
- Chilton and Kopytowska - Religion, Lanugage, and the Human Mind
- china
- china and the middle income trap
- chinese science statistics
- chinese urban/rural divide
- chinese wall
- chips
- chomsky
- Chomsky - Language and Mind
- Chomsky - Syntatic Structures
- chomsky grammar
- Chopra: Building State Failure in East Timor
- Christianity
- christians
- citeproc-org
- citizens and other human kinds
- civil engineering
- Civil Society Assembly
- clang
- classes
- Claude: Collective Security as an Approach to Peace
- cli's
- Cliffe: UN Peace and Security Reform
- climate change
- climate change tech
- clocks (distributed systems)
- close calls and near misses in programming
- cloud
- cloudflare outage
- clustering
- coalition against is
- code generation
- codebases as communication post
- coding tools
- coffee
- cognition
- cold war
- collusion rings
- colombia
- commodities
- commonwealth of independent states (cis)
- community detection
- community detection libraries
- community detection with org-roam library
- companies
- Comphrensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro
- compile time regex
- compilers
- compilers classes
- complexity
- complexity is not a vice
- comprehensive test ban treaty (CTBT)
- computational linguistics
- computational social science
- computational syntax
- computer graphics
- computer science testability
- computers
- computers feel, not see, we need new primatives
- conference on iraq - 20-02-28
- confidential computing blog post
- configuration langauges
- conflict and violence
- conflict prevention
- confucianism
- Consistent Hashing
- constitution making (research handbook)
- containerd
- continental philosphy
- control theory
- controllers (k8s)
- conv2d
- convolutional neural networks (cnn)
- convolutions
- Cook - The Aswan Low Dam and Modernizing the Nile
- Coppercock - Invitation into Formal Semantics
- correlation != causation
- correlation coefficients
- cote d'ivore
- counter insurgency as an infinite game
- counter terrorism service (iraq)
- counterfactual regret
- covid
- cpp
- cpp this
- cpu
- Cramer - Civil War is Not a Stupid Thing
- crdts
- criu/kernel checkpointing
- cron
- cross-lingual
- Crosslingual NLI (XNLI)
- crypto (for cryptography)
- cuelang
- Culicover and Rochemont: Stress and Focus in English
- Curran and Hunt: Stabilization at the Expense of Peacekeeping in UN Operations
- custom resource definitions (crds)
- cyc
- d3
- damascus
- Danforth: A Ottoman Empire from 1923 to Today
- dask
- data
- data plane development kit (dpdk)
- data structures
- Databases
- dataflow
- datasets
- date parsing
- david ricardo
- Dawa party
- day and kreutzner: civil society
- Dayon et al: Career Foreign Fighters
- DBSP: Automatic Incremental View Maintenance for Rich Query Languages
- ddr
- de Soto & del Castillo: Implementation of Comphrensive Peace Accords
- debuggers
- declaration of the shia in iraq
- deep learning
- democratic republic of the congo (DRC)
- democritus
- dennard scaling
- derivatives
- Derrida - Archive Fever
- dev jargon blog post
- development theory
- dhofar campaign
- DiCapua - Gatekeepers of the Arab Past
- Diehl and Druckman: Not the Same Old Way: Trends in Peace Operations
- digga (tribal practice)
- disarmingly forthright mscs advice
- disaster nationalism
- disaster response
- Dispossession (fall 2021)
- distributed systems
- distributed systems for fun and profit
- distributed transactions
- diyala (town)
- diyala governate
- dma
- dns
- docker/containers
- Dodge - Bourdieu goes to Baghdad
- Dodge - Rethinking Political Identities in Iraq After 2003
- Domain Fronting in Signal Article
- dominican republic
- Dorn: Intelligence Lead Peacekeeping - The United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
- dos Santos et al: Improving Security of United Nations Peacekeepers
- double buffering
- double loop learning
- drafts
- dram issues
- dual circulation program
- Duara - The Crisis of Global Modernity
- Duenas - Unwanted Witnesses
- Duffield - Development, Security, and Unending War
- duhok
- dujayla land project
- Durkheim
- e-activity-2
- e-activity-3
- east asia
- east timor
- ebooks
- ebpf
- economics
- education
- effectiveness of scaling data and its relationship to anthropology questions
- egypt
- Egypt Iron and Steel Company
- egyptian demographics
- eink
- Einsidel - What Works in UN Resident Coordinator-led Conflict Prevention
- el salvador
- Eldeeb et al: Chablis: Fast and General Transactions in Geo-distributed Systems
- election memes as america's reflection
- electoral systems
- electrical engineering
- elements of programming interviews
- Elias Khoury
- elixir
- elixir and erlang stacktraces
- elixir driver for cassandra/scylla
- Ellerby: A Seat at the Table is not Enough: Understanding Women's Substantive Representation in Peace Processes
- emacs
- embedding text into vector spaces
- emerging markets
- emnlp 2021
- emotional intelligence
- Endianess
- energy based models
- engineers don't solve problems
- ensemble average vs time average
- ensemble learning
- envoy
- epaxos
- epimenides paradox
- episteme
- Epstine - Range
- equal cost multipath (ECMP)
- equity
- erbil
- Erbil Agreement
- erlang
- erlang beam vs jvm
- erlang in kubernetes
- erlang jit
- erlang live market parser api on kubernetes
- erlang pc2 postmortem
- ESIM model
- eta sequence
- etcd
- etherium
- etherium yellow paper
- ethnicity, nationalism, and conflict
- ethnography of iraqi journalists
- ethopia
- eu
- euclid's theorem
- europe
- eva as an automatic religion
- Evans: Cooperative Security & Intrastate Conflict
- events
- evergrande
- everything is correlated
- ex-combatants
- exactly once semantics in kafka (atomic broadcast)
- exarchia
- executive order 237 (2019)
- executive order 328 (2019)
- executive order 331 (2019)
- executive order 85 (2018)
- executive order 91 (2016)
- explaining away
- explicit knowledge
- Fact Extraction and Verification (2018)
- faleh al-fayyad
- falih al-khazali
- fall 2020 classes
- fall 2021 classes
- fall 2022 plans
- fantasy sports
- fao
- FARC in Colombia
- fasttext
- fatah (political party)
- fawj amerli (brigade 52)
- fed helicopter money march-april 2020
- FED Powers
- fedach
- federenko - EMNLP Keynote
- fedora silverblue
- fetishization of doctrine
- fever rss
- Fiebelman - A PhD is Not Enough
- file picker meme
- file systems
- finance
- financial action task force (FATF)
- financial discourse
- finite state languages
- finite state machines
- fiqh
- fish
- flash storage
- flask
- flatbuffers project
- food for training
- food security
- footnotes in webpages
- force bundling for graphs
- force intervention brigade (FIB)
- foreign fighter returnees in iraq
- foreign langugages vs programming languages
- formal semantics
- Fortna: Does Peacekeeping Keep Peace?
- forward oil sales iraq
- foucault
- fourier transform
- fpga
- FraCas Test Suite
- framing shia rituals as political
- france
- francis fukuyama
- freelancing/contracting
- french archival science
- french mandate
- french revolution
- frontend
- frozen data structures in c++
- fsf
- fulbright
- full text static search
- future of digital research in the middle east
- Future of the Middle East Talk
- futures
- fuzzing
- g-2 muon
- g20
- gaddafi
- gall's law
- Gambetta et al - Streetwise
- gambia
- gambling is good actually
- game theory
- ganto's axe
- Garling: Approaching religion through linguistics
- gasch: events, the dna of kubernetes
- gatsbyjs
- Gatti - Suriving Forced Disapperance in Argentina and Uruguay
- gaussian distribution
- gaussian mixture model
- Gauvain - Salafi Ritual Purity: In the Presence of God
- gaza
- gcc policing
- gdb
- gear blog post
- geb chaper 4 (consistency, completeness, and geometry)
- geb chapter 2
- geb chapter 3 (figure and ground)
- geb chapter 5 (recursive structures)
- geb chapter 6 (the location of meaning)
- geb chapter 7 (the propositional calculus)
- geb chapter 8 (typographical number theory)
- geb, ecology of mind, psychosis and islam blog post
- gegeri tribe
- gender bias paper
- generative art
- geometry
- georgia
- gephi
- Ghassan Kanafani
- Gilligan: Do UN Interventions Cause Peace? Using Matching to Improve Causal Inference
- Ginty: Hybrid Peace: The Interaction Between Top-Down and Bottom-Up Peace
- giorgio agamben
- git
- giulio tononi
- Gleitman et al: The Impossibility of Language Acquisition (and How They Do It)
- Glick and Paluck: The Aftermath of Genocide
- glue
- gnu coreutils
- godel's incompleteness theorem
- golang
- good cpp codebases to read
- Goode: Artifical Intelligence and the Future of Nationalism
- google fi
- google maps
- google ngrams for historians
- Gordon: Secularization, Genealogy, and the Legitimacy of the Modern Age: Remarks on the Löwith-Blumenberg Debate
- gorno-badakhasan
- Gorur and Sharland: Prioritizing the Protection of Civilians in UN Peace Operations
- gossip protocols
- Goulding: The Evolution of United Nations Peacekeeping
- government interaction and the postal system
- government of national accord (GNA)
- gps
- gpt2
- gpt3 test case generation
- gpu
- grad school
- grad school fellowships
- gradient descent
- grafana 7.0
- grammar in the brain
- grants
- graph based approximate nearest neighbor search (granne)
- graph traversal
- graph-tool (python)
- graphql
- gray failures
- greece
- greedy search
- Gregg - BFP Performance Tools
- Gresham's Law
- gron
- gross national income
- gross national income (gni)
- grpc
- gtk
- Gu et al: Efficiently Modeling Long Sequences with Structured State Spaces
- guatemala
- gui
- guinea
- gulf cooperation council
- guyana
- gz (green zone)
- habitus
- Haddad - Understanding Sectarianism
- hadi al-ameri
- hagiography
- haider al-abadi
- haider al-furaiji
- haiti
- Hajdarpasic: Reflections on the Ottoman Legacy in South-eastern Europe
- Halevi - Modern Things on Trial
- halting problem
- hamas
- hamid al-shatri
- hanafi
- hanbali
- Hanf - Coexistence in Wartime Lebanon
- Hanna Batatu
- Hansen - The Saffron Wave
- Haplin - Thirteen Ways to Make a Plural
- haproxy
- harakat hezbollah al-nujaba
- hard drives
- hardware
- Harmes: Political Marketing in Post Conflict Elections
- Hart - Why Don't We Learn From History?
- hart's theory of law
- hashd al-shaabi (PMF)
- hashd commission
- hashd in sinjar
- haskell
- Hassan - Longing for the Lost Caliphate
- hassan al-banna
- hassan al-kaabi
- hassan nasrallah
- hassan shakir al-kaabi
- hausenblas - programming kubernetes
- hayam al-hayderi
- hci
- heaps
- heart rate zones
- Held: The Diffusion of Authority
- helmand
- Herbert - Erlang in Anger
- hezbollah
- hft
- hibernate
- hierarchical navigable small-world graph (HNSW)
- high performance erlang project (HiPE)
- High-Level Independent Panel on UN Peace Operations (HIPPO)
- higher (fb library)
- Higher Ed Readings
- hilbert
- hindyia barrage
- Hinnebusch - Identity and State Formation in Multi‐sectarian Societies
- hiring an editor
- hisham al-hashimi
- history of islamic law
- history of islamic law essay draft
- Hizb al-Tahriri al-Islami
- Ho - Graves of Tarim
- Hobbes - Introduction to Religious Language
- hobbies
- Hofstadter - Godel, Escher, Bach
- Homo Sacer dot Country
- Homogenous Time: Ibn Khaldun and Transaction Logs
- hong kong
- Hooker - The Hardware Lottery
- houthis
- how jit compilers are implemented and fast: pypy, luajit, graal, and more
- how to make a complete map of every thought you think
- how to write a technical paper
- http
- http/2
- huggingface
- hugo
- Humanism in Ruins - Discussion Questions
- humanism in ruins discussion questions
- humanitarian aid
- humanitarian data projects
- Hunt: All Necessary Means to What ends?
- huokou
- hussein ismail khalil
- hyperemployment
- hystersis loop
- ibn al-hajj
- ibn khaldun
- ibrahim khalil
- icrc
- ICS Training
- idea ecology blog post
- ideal/pure types
- Idris - Lessons from DDR Programs
- images
- imf
- implicit knowledge
- impossibility of consensus with one faulty process
- increasing violence in afghanistan - 2020-12-15
- india
- indonesia
- inequality
- infiniband
- information cascade
- information paradox
- information theory
- informers (k8s)
- inifiband
- init containers
- inodes
- inside iraqi politics issue 219 notes
- institute of international finance (iif)
- integrated ddr standards
- integrated information theory
- interest rates
- international criminal court
- international security assistance force (ISAF)
- International Smart Card
- internet drama
- interrupt
- interview with Dr. Nofour Abbas
- interviews
- io completion ports
- IOM: If We Leave We Are Killed
- iran
- iran's kidney market
- iran/iraq war
- iranian revolution
- iraq
- iraq agricultural exports
- iraq covid 19
- iraq photos blog post
- iraq tech ventures
- Iraq UN Reports
- iraq visa on arrival
- iraqi 2021 draft budget
- iraqi agriculture
- iraqi air strikes
- iraqi arabic
- iraqi archives
- iraqi bonds
- iraqi communist party
- iraqi constitutionalism
- iraqi electricity
- iraqi finance committee
- iraqi ghost militias
- iraqi parliment
- iraqi political parties
- iraqi prime minister
- iraqi shia
- iraqi sunni
- iraqi tech community
- iraqi tribes
- ireland
- irgc
- Irrigation in Egypt/Iraq Paper
- irrigation in iraq
- isa
- islam
- islamic jurisprudence
- islamic jurisprudence lecture 11
- islamic jurisprudence lecture 12
- islamic jurisprudence lecture 13
- islamic jurisprudence lecture 3
- islamic jurisprudence lecture 5
- islamic jurisprudence lecture 7
- islamic jurisprudence lecture 8
- islamic modernism
- islamic political thought
- islamic state (is/isis/isil)
- islamic supreme council of iraq (isci)
- ismail haniyeh
- ismaili
- israel
- itdrc
- ivory coast
- j programming language
- ja'fari
- jacques lacan
- jaeger deep dive
- jaish al-mahdi
- jalula
- Jamal al-Din Afghani
- jamal kawjar
- Janert - Feedback Control for Computer Systems
- janus v ASFCME
- japan
- japanese permanent residency
- java
- javascript
- Jiries - Balkan Fighters in the Syrian War
- jit
- job sites
- Johnson - Automatic Religion
- Jonassen and Hung: Learning to Troubleshoot: A New Theory-Based Design Architecture
- jonathan mason
- jordan
- Jose Casanova
- journals
- jq
- json
- jubur tribe
- judea pearl
- julia
- Juniper
- jupyter notebooks
- jurf al-sakhar/jurf al-nasr
- jurisprudence
- jvm
- k/v stores
- kabul
- kafka
- kafka streams
- Kalyvas - The Logic of Violence in Civil War
- Kant
- Kapstein - Aid and Stabilization in Afghanistan
- karbala
- Karim and Beardsley: Explaining Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping Countries
- Karlstrud: The UN at War
- Karp et al: The Organization of Computations for Uniform Recurrence Equations
- kataib al-imam ali
- kataib hezbollah (kh)
- kataib jund al-imam (brigade 6)
- kataib sayyid al-shuhada
- Katharopoulos: Transformers are RNNs: Fast Autoregressive Transformers with Linear Attention
- Kawase Hasui
- kelly criterion
- kenya
- kernel
- kernel bypass
- kfserving
- khalifa haftar
- Khalifat movement
- khalis
- khamis al-khajar
- Khan - The Great Partition
- khmer rouge
- Khoshaba - Iraqi Dialect vs Standard Arabic
- khums
- Kilcullen - Out of the Mountains
- kirkuk
- kite power
- kll approximate quantiles
- Knight et al - Honored, Not Contained
- Kolbert - Field Notes from a Catastrophe
- kolmogorov complexity
- Kosek et al: MUST, SHOULD, DON'T CARE: TCP Conformance in the Wild
- kosovo
- kosovo force (KFOR)
- krg visitor visa notes
- KRG/iraqi kurdistan
- krippendorf
- kube/ooda loop blog post
- kubectl-trace
- kubeflow
- kubernetes (k8s)
- kunyas
- kurdish
- kurdistan democratic party
- kurdistan worker's party (pkk)
- kurt godel
- kut
- kuznets curve
- kvms (keyboards and mice)
- kyoto tycoon
- kyrgyzstan
- lambda calculus
- Lamport: Time Clock and the Ordering of Distributed Systems
- langlands program
- language accomodation in arabic
- Language and the Brain (class)
- languages/linguistics
- Larson - An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management
- latam
- latex
- latex flavors (luatex, contex, xetex)
- law 37 amnesty
- leaf and spine
- lean (proofs)
- leap smearing
- learning languages blog post
- learning to learn and learning to teach
- learning tower of babel
- lebanon
- LeCun, Bengio, Hinton - Deep Learning
- legal basis of the hashd
- lenin was a mushroom
- Levien: Towards GPGPU JSON parsing
- Li - The Universal Enemy
- liberia
- libuv
- libya
- libyan national army (LNA)
- life in baghdad
- linear algebra
- ling 1012 lecture 1 - introduction and scope
- ling-ga 1012 (nlp and semantics)
- linker essay
- linkers
- linting
- linux
- lisp
- literature
- literature maps
- Liu: XFT: Practical Fault Tolerance beyond Crashes
- liwa al-muntazier
- liwa al-tafuf (brigade 13)
- liwa ali al-akbar (brigade 11)
- llms
- llvm
- load balancing
- Locke: A Letter Containing Toleration
- Lockman - Contending Visions of the Middle East
- logseq
- lome peace accord
- looking at religion through linguistical methods
- loss function
- lottie
- low interest rates and marketing
- low latency
- Lu et al: Influence Paths for Characterizing Subject-Verb Number Agreement in LSTM Language Models
- lua
- M1 macs feeling faster than Intel
- ma'ruf
- Macaes - History has Begun
- macbook butterfly keyboard repair
- macedonia
- mahdiya
- Maher - Salafi-Jihadism: The History of an Idea
- Mahmood - Religious Difference in a Secular Age
- Mahmoud Darwish
- Mahsan et al: The Role Domain Expertise in User Trust and the Impact of First Impressions with Intelligent Systems
- Majd al-Khoei
- majida al-tamimi
- Makdisi - The Ecumenical Frame
- makefiles
- Makram Ebeid
- malawi
- malaysia
- mali
- maliki
- malthus
- Mamdani - Trans-African Slaveries Thinking Historically
- mandarin
- manim
- manufacturing
- maoist fighters in nepal
- mapping
- Marantz - What do linguists do?
- marjah
- market apis
- market multicast
- Martin Riesebrodt
- marx
- marxist
- mass immersion approach
- master's thesis
- masters while working blog post
- material turn
- math
- math cultures
- Mattson: Status-Based Definitions of Need in Early Islamic Zakat and Maintenance Laws
- mauritania
- max pooling
- McQuinn: DDR and the Internal Organization of Non-State Armed Groups
- mecca declaration (2006)
- mechanized proofs
- Meeker - A Nation of Empire
- megatron-lm
- Mellanox
- mental models
- Mervin - The Shi'a worlds and Iran
- mesa optimizer and linguistic recursion draft
- mesa optimizer and scaling laws draft
- metastable failures blog post
- mexico
- mexico city drainage issues
- Michel Aflaq
- microservices and counter-insurgency
- middle east
- middle income trap
- migrant workers in jordan
- military equipment
- military service and retirement law no. 3 (2010)
- militias
- ministry of defense (iraq)
- ministry of interior (iraq)
- mishasha
- misinterpretations of what ai is
- misrata
- miswag
- Mitchel - Rule of Experts: Egypt, Techno-politics, Modernity
- Mitchel: Economentality
- Mitzenmacher: The Power of Two Random Choices: A Survey of Techniques and Results
- ml
- ml conferences
- ml on satellite imagery
- mmap
- modernist (nationalism)
- modernizing investor definition
- Mohamed Bouazizi
- mole people
- monitoring
- mooc
- moore's law
- Moraru et al: There Is More Consensus in Egalitarian Parliaments
- Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)
- morocco
- morocco/western sahara ceasefire
- mortages
- mosul
- Mount Korek
- mozambique
- MU puzzle
- Muhammad Abduh
- muhammad al-haidari
- muhammad al-halbusi
- Muhammad Baqir as-Sadr
- Muhammad Sadiq al-Sadr
- muhannad al-aqabi
- muhasasa
- muhsin abu-tbikh
- mulla mustafa barzani
- multi-country demobilisation and reintegration programme (MDRP)
- multi-dialect bert
- Multi-Genre NLI (MNLI)
- multi-level IR
- multi-paxos
- multiateration
- multicore ocaml
- multidimensional integrated stabilisation mission in the central african republic (MINUSCA)
- MultiRC
- Mumby - Graduate School
- Munive and Stepputat - Rethinking Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Programs
- Muqtada al-Sadr
- Murphy: United Nations Peacekeeping in Lebanon and Somalia, and the Use of Force
- mushroom neural networks
- muslim brotherhood
- mustafa al-kadhimi
- mustafa kemal
- mutex
- mutex (locks)
- mutuality and asad
- my work as a system blog post
- myanmar
- nabih berri
- nad-ali
- Nagel, Ferran - Politics of Religion and Nationalism
- nahjul balaghah
- nahrawan
- najaf
- namibia
- nash equilibrium
- nasiriyah
- nasser
- national guard law (2015)
- national soldiarity program (NSP)
- national university of singapore
- Nationalism and Outsiders in the Middle East
- Nationalism and Outsiders in the Middle East - Midterm Draft
- Nationalism and Outsiders in the Middle East - Midterm Final
- nationalism and outsiders in the middle east - thesis
- nationalism and outsiders in the middle east - thesis proposal
- nato
- natural language inference lecture
- natural logic
- navier-stokes
- Navigating Islamic Interpretation During the Pandemic
- nearest neighbor
- nepal
- network printers
- networks
- new election laws iraq 2020
- newlines practitioner in residence
- Newport - Deep Work
- news
- next generation disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration
- ngo
- ngo exodus - iraq
- nicaragua electricity
- niger delta
- nigeria
- ninawa
- ninewa
- nli
- nlp
- nlu
- nlu crowdsourcing lab
- node.js
- nols wilderness first aid
- normal types
- normalization and capitalization in nlp blog post
- notation as a tool of thought
- notes graph
- Notes on Surviving Grad School
- nouri al-maliki
- number theory
- number theory book club
- numpy
- nvmeof
- nyc
- nyc -> montreal bike ride
- nyc water tunnel no 3
- Nystrom - Crafting Interpreters
- obscure features of jpeg
- occupy movement
- oil
- Oil Outputs in Iraq
- oil trading
- Oman
- on digital humanities programs
- on doing too much
- on funerals
- on historiography
- on new york
- on slums
- on taking ideas slowly
- one belt one road
- ooda (observe orient decide act)
- opds
- open data kit
- open graph protocol
- open source
- open source commercialization
- openapi
- OpenBook
- opensfm
- operating systems
- operation cast lead
- operation moshtarak
- operation pillar of defense
- operation protective edge
- operators (k8s)
- optuna
- org roam migration
- org-latex-export
- org-mode
- org-noweb
- org-page
- org-roam
- organization for grad school blog post
- organizational structure of the hashd
- organized labor
- orleans
- os x
- Ottaway and Kaysi - The State of Iraq
- ottoman
- outage and debugging for the warring programmer
- overemphasis of the discrete blog post
- overheating car engine
- p-adic numbers
- p2p
- pakistan
- palestine
- palestine liberation organization (PLO)
- pandas
- paper mario orgami king
- Paper Topics for Post Ottoman Near East
- papers
- papua new guinea
- parallel computing and the os
- parallelizing shell scripts
- pareto optimal
- paris club
- Parks - Stuff You Can Kick
- parlimentarism recidivus
- parlimentary delays as a tool for sectarianism
- parser combinators
- Paterson: Strong AI vs Metadata Analysis
- path dependency
- patriotic revolutionary youth movement (YDG-H)
- patriotic union of kurdistan (PUK)
- patterns that eventually fail
- paul dirac
- paul feyerabend
- Pavlick and Kwiatkowski: Inherent Disagreements in Human Textual Inferences
- paxos
- paxos vs raft reading group
- payment processors
- pcre
- peace studies blog post
- peer review
- people
- peripheralization
- perjorative titles
- personal
- Peters - Getting What You Came For
- Pfieffer et al: MAD-X: An Adapter-Based Framework for Multi-Task Cross-Lingual Transfer
- Phd Planning
- philippines
- philips: introducing operators
- Philliou: Interpreting the Ottoman Past through the National Present
- philosophy of science
- philosphy of programming
- phoenix live view
- photography
- physalia - amazon ebs
- physics
- pi-calculus
- Piketty - Capital in the Twenty-First Century
- pilgrimage sites
- places to write for
- plywood
- pod lifecycles
- podcast script draft
- podcasts
- polisario front
- political risk career
- political science
- popular mobilization comission law (2016)
- Porter - Military Orientalism
- porting jits to apple silicon
- portugal
- positive labeling
- post-conflict statebuilding organization
- post-ottoman iraq/egypt irrigation essay research
- post-ottoman iraq/egypt irrigation paper proposal
- Post-Ottoman Near East
- postgres
- postmortems and outages
- Potential Advisors for Master's Thesis
- Potential Schools for Phd
- Pouligny - Peace Operations Seen From Below
- power, subjectivity, agency
- presentation tools
- pricing software
- principa mathmatica
- principal component analysis
- probability
- problems and methods
- Problems and Methods - Archival Turn
- problems and methods - final
- Problems and Methods - Revolutions
- procrastination
- procyclical and countercyclical
- product quantization
- professional development session with thanassis cambanis
- programming frameworks
- programming kubernetes chapter 1 - intro
- programming kubernetes chapter 2 - kube api server
- programming kubernetes chapter 3 - client-go
- programming languages
- progressive socialist party (lebanon)
- progressive-jpeg-pr
- project ideas
- protobuf
- protocols
- Provonce - The Last Ottoman Generation
- psychoanalysis
- psychology
- Public Predictions
- Pursely - Familiar Futures
- pxe boot
- Pyretic
- python
- python objective c bindings
- python type checking
- pytorch
- pytorch-lightning
- pytorch/torchtext incompatibility issues
- qadiriya
- qadisiyah governate
- qaim
- qassim dahif al-zubaidi
- qat
- qayyarah
- qi card article draft
- qi cards
- qiz
- quantization/discretization
- quantum computing resource list
- query optimizers
- question answering
- queueing theory
- queues and visibility
- quick history of nlp
- quwat al-turkmen (brigade 16)
- r
- rabat
- Rabindranath Tagore
- radio adiga
- rafha camp blog post
- Rafidain Bank
- raft
- ragel
- raid
- ram (computer memory)
- ramadan
- ramon erra
- random early detection
- rasheed bank
- Rashid: The Way Out of Afghanistan
- Rasmussen and Lind: Coping With Complexity
- raspberry pi kubernetes clusters
- rasterization
- rational maps
- raven paradox
- ray tracing
- Rayburn - Iraq After America
- read the damn error message draft
- Reader and Shultz - Pilgrims Until We Die: Unending Pilgrimage in Shikoku
- reading books article
- real time systems (rts)
- recipes
- recoll from emacs
- Recongizing Textual Entailment (RTE)
- recurrent neural networks (rnn)
- redis
- reed-solomon encoding
- refactoring
- reflections on programming 5 years
- refugees
- regex
- Regional Leadership (Iraq)
- religion
- religion and linguistics
- religion and modernity
- religious minorities in iraq
- religious peacebuilding
- relocation read only (relro)
- relu
- remarkable
- reparations
- replicaset
- replication crisis
- republic of the congo (RoC)
- resource curse
- responsbility shared is responsbility denied blog post
- Revolutionary Command Council
- rfc reader
- rfc's
- rights of hashd members
- rituals
- roam themes
- roberta
- robot36
- roger penrose
- root
- rpc tools blog post
- ruby
- ruhollah khomeini
- rules for writing
- russel's paradox
- russia
- rust
- rust guis
- rwanda
- s curves
- sabah al-saadi
- sacred
- sadr city
- safer oil tanker
- Safouan - Why are the Arabs Not Free?
- sahwa (awakening)
- sairun (sadr political party)
- salah ad din governate
- Salah ud-Din al-Bitar
- salqawia canal
- samarra
- sample rate
- sanusiya
- saraya al-salam
- saraya talia al-khurasani (brigade 18)
- SARS (nigeria)
- satellites
- sati al-husri
- saudi arabia
- Saunders - The Ummah as a Nation: A reappraisal in the wake of the 'Cartoons Affair'
- sayej - ayatollah sistani
- sayroon
- scala
- scaling law seminar
- scaling laws draft
- scaling laws survey paper (information bottleneck, minimum description length, etc)
- schedulers
- SciTail
- sdr
- search for common ground program
- seaside
- second order effects blog post
- Secor - Children of Paradise
- sectarianism
- secular stagnation
- secure chat apps
- security sector reform (ssr)
- sell side
- sematech
- senegal
- Senegal and Mauritania ethnic conflicts
- Sentences Involving Compositional Knowledge (SICK-E)
- settler colonialism
- sgx
- shabak
- Shannon - A Mathematical Theory of Communication
- shaqlawa
- sharia law
- Sheeran and Case: The Intervention Brigade
- sheikh abdul rahman al-kakhimi
- shell
- shia
- shia reading list
- shia rituals
- shias in burma
- ships
- sierra leone
- Simic & O'Brien: Peacekeeper Babies
- similar sites for note taking
- Simon - Imposition of Nationalism on Non-Nation State
- simon kuznets
- Simpson - War from the Ground Up
- simulation spiral of death
- singapore
- sinjar
- sinjar agreement (2020)
- sinjar resistance units
- sioux falls
- sistani
- sistani successors
- sistaniyun brigades
- Sloan-White: Corporate Islam
- small arms stockpiling
- small arms stockpiling jobs
- small business finance
- smalltalk
- Smith - How University Budgets Work
- snap (stanford network analysis platform)
- social sciences
- sociology
- softmax
- software is eating the world
- Sokal and Bricmont - Fashional Nonsense
- soldier life support fund
- somalia
- sons of iraq
- Soper, Fetzer - Religion and Nationalism in Global Perspective
- sorani
- sorani vs bahdini
- Soren - Taking Smart Notes
- source explorers
- south africa
- south america
- south asia
- south Hiraak movement
- south korea
- spac
- spacetime
- spain
- spanish
- spark
- special economic zones
- speech nlp
- speicher (tikrit air base)
- Spengler and the Search for a Science of Human Culture
- spirituality (modern)
- sports betting
- spring
- spring 2022 classes
- sql
- sqlite
- sri lanka
- ssh-notes
- Stanford NLI Corpus (SNLI)
- Staniland - Networks of Rebellion
- state machine replication (SMR)
- state machines
- state minister
- state oil marketing organization (somo)
- state prices
- statistical methods
- statistics
- stats from org roam
- Stedman and Downs: Evaluating Issues in Peace Implementation
- steelmanning divination response
- Steen and Tanenbaum - Distributed Systems
- sterio and levy: social cohesion and inclusivity
- stochastic process
- stock options for software engineers
- stockholm initatives in ddr
- Stoica et al: Chord - A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications
- Stoler: Colonial Archives and the Arts of Governance
- storage
- strategies for implementing braben's ideas
- streaming sql
- string matching
- string theory
- strong and weak generative capacity
- structural adjustment and neoliberalism
- Structure and Interpretation of the Hashd al-Shaabi
- structured logs
- structured space modeling
- stuart hamaroff
- Subedi - Combatants to Civilians
- submarine cable map
- sudan
- sufism
- sultan al-musawi
- summer 2020
- summer 2021
- sunni
- superintelligence as an infohazard
- supply chain management
- Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI)
- surrealism and mediation of reality
- survey papers
- Sutton: The Bitter Lesson
- svg
- swe tea
- symphony chat platform
- syracuse (satellite)
- syria
- syscalls
- systems thinking
- ta'ziyeh
- tacit knowledge
- taif agreement
- tail call optimization
- tailscale
- tailwind
- taiwan
- taji
- tajikistan
- taliban
- talks
- tamil tigers
- tanzimat
- Tariq al-Hashemi
- taskjuggler
- tawargha
- tawke and peshkabir oil fields
- taxi driver sectarianism
- Tay et al: Efficient Transformers: A Survey
- Tay et al: Sparse Sinkhorn Attention
- teaching
- tebu
- tech reporting is to user centric
- tech working
- tel afar
- telegraph cables
- tensorboard
- tensorflow
- terra lang
- territorality of data
- terrorism
- text boundary analysis
- text generation
- textbooks
- thailand
- thamir al-tamimi
- the chicago plan
- the danger of treating ideas from finance as generalized self help
- the frontier, settler colonialism, the united states
- the information plane within deep learning
- the metaphysics of bullshit
- the twin insurgency
- theories of conciousness from physists
- thesis proposals help
- think tanks
- thinkpads
- thomas kuhn
- thread building blocks
- thubactics battlion
- tilt up construction
- tim mitchell, carbon democracy, oil, and USO
- tim palmer
- time and consistency as a universal currency
- timer lawn: low latency timer data structure
- tishriin
- toby dodge/bassel salloukh talk (2020-12-22)
- Tomassetti et al: Reflections on the Lack of Adoption of Domain Specific Languages
- toolbox
- torchtext
- Toufic - Palestine Ltd: Neoliberalism and Nationalism
- towards a theory of a young girl
- traffic stats
- training periods
- training, validation, and tests sets
- traitlets in python
- transformers
- transitional justice
- travel
- trees
- trench warfare problems blog post
- trial/error vs theory/insight in work/academia
- Tribal Disputes Regulation Act
- tropical geometry
- truetime
- trukker
- trust blog post
- trust in media blog post
- truth and reconciliation program
- truthfulqa
- Tsagourias: Consent, Neutrality/Impartiality and the Use of Force in Peacekeeping
- tsne
- Tu et al - Multi-hop Reading Comprehension across Multiple Documents
- tuareg
- Tufekci - Twitter and Tear Gas
- Tukey: Sunset Salvo
- tunisia
- tupras
- Turabian - A Manual for Writers
- turkey
- turkmen
- tuz khormatu
- twitter developer api
- two sigma problem
- type systems (programming)
- type theoretic sandwhiches
- uae
- uganda
- ukraine
- ummah
- ummayad
- un
- UN and Global Governance
- un and global governance blog post
- un and global governance lecture 1
- un and global governance lecture 10
- un and global governance lecture 11
- un and global governance lecture 12
- un and global governance lecture 13
- un and global governance lecture 14
- un and global governance lecture 2
- un and global governance lecture 3
- un and global governance lecture 4
- un and global governance lecture 5
- un and global governance lecture 6
- un and global governance lecture 7
- un and global governance lecture 8
- un and global governance lecture 9
- un and global governance lit review
- un department of peacekeeping (DPKO)
- un development program (UNDP)
- UN Mission in Nepal (UNMIN)
- un peacekeeping
- un policy for post-conflict employment creation, income, generation, and reintegration
- UN Regional Office for West Africa (UNOWA)
- un sustainable development goals
- undersea fiber
- unhcr
- unifil
- uniformed capabilities support division (UCSD)
- united kingdom
- united nations assistance mission to iraq (unami)
- united nations multidimensional integrated stabilization mission in mali (MINUSMA)
- united nations multidimensional integrated stabilization mission in the central african republic (MINUSCA)
- united nations operation in somalia (UNOSOM)
- united nations stabilization mission in the democratic republic of the congo (MONUSCO)
- united states
- unrwa
- UNSCR 1325
- unsmear
- uprisings against the left
- urals
- uruguay
- uruguay - 6 months
- usaid
- usb
- usb pogo pins
- uso etf
- Usuli
- Uwiano Platform for Peace
- vaccine manufacturing
- valgrind
- Vaswani et al: Attention is All You Need
- video games
- vietnam
- virtualization (VMs)
- visa's
- visual question answering
- visualization
- vitis libraries
- volunteering
- vps
- Wahhabi
- Walid Jumblatt
- Wang et al: On the Parallels between Paxos and Raft, and how to Port
- Wang et al: On the Parallels between Paxos and Raft, and how to Port Optimizations
- waqf
- war diary nlp project
- wasm
- wav2vec
- we are all financers now
- web
- web apis
- webgl
- website design ideas
- websockets
- week 2 reading response
- Weinstein: Resources and the Information Problem in Rebel Recruitment
- Weiss - In the Shadows of Sectarianism
- Weng: Are Deep Neural Networks Dramatically Overfitted?
- west bank
- west texas intermediate
- western notions of mapping
- western sahara
- wfr
- wgs-84 vs gcj-02
- Where does responsibility for violence suffered by migrants lie?
- where have the iraqi thinkers gone?
- wilderness alpine personal statement
- Williams - Research Handbook on Post-Conflict Statebuilding
- windows
- windows failover clusters (hci)
- winograd schemas
- wkhtmltopdf
- Woodward: The Paradox of State Failure
- word embeddings
- word error rate
- word2vec
- wordpress
- work with the garage door up
- Workouts
- world bank
- world top incomes database
- worldwide food production
- writing
- writing a thesis
- writing tools
- Wu et al: BPF for Storage
- ww1
- ww2
- wwan x1 carbon
- xcode
- xla
- xml-roberta
- Yasser al-Habib
- yassine jaber
- yathrib
- yazidi
- yemen
- yemen bank notes
- you're allowed to do whatever
- Young - Ultralearning
- yt and computational social sciences
- yugoslavia
- Yusuf Salman Yusuf
- Zaatari: History and Photographic Memory
- Zadrozna: Reconstructing the past in a post-Ottoman Village
- zaidi
- zakat
- zakat al-fitrah
- zakat al-mal
- zakho
- Zaman - Islamic Traditions of Refuge in Iraq and Syria
- Zampieri et al: SemEval-2020 Task 12: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media (OffensEval 2020)
- zaydi
- zeno's paradoxes
- zetasql
- zettlekasten
- Zhang et al: Tropical Geometry of Deep Neural Networks
- zine el abidine ben ali
- zintan
- zotero
- Zwet and Cator: The Significance Filter, the Winner's Curse, and the Need to Shrink