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steelmanning divination response


It’s about modling the subject, and divination’s usefuless is breaking out of the low energy wells that you find yourself trapped in but do not have the correct incentive structures to escape.

Why divination? Take particulary paths and reach for less casual identitives

Semi-random systems can often appear to be random but true randomless is quite difficult

On molding the subject and randomness, the goal of randomness is that it has two opposite effects: it can help continue molding the subject by speeding up processess of belief, but it can also serve to dislodge abstractions

If you’ve already abstracted a certain amount into attributing to randomness, then it takes on a different register, i.e. Iranian man seeing a froeigner in a cosmopolitian city

But undertaking a pilgrimage places you in a mood to read extra into randomness, effective pattern matching?

Divination as an RNG generator, although the usefulness of the RNG is not that it purely adds entropy to our lives, which I think tech people usually dissolve things in the acid vat of randomness much like how humanities students do the acid vat of focualt or power, but rather the RNG generator shows us slack in different systems. The ability to introduce RNG allows for us to explore the unknown unknowns

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