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Tags: root

  • Most skills aren’t transferrable, nor are they that useful beyond the context of the single project
    • So, selfishly, I tend to think this way: if 90% of what I’m doing today won’t help me in the next job, then I should either reduce that 90% (for example, by focusing on general-purpose ideas, systems, abstractions, technologies), just not care as much about that 90% (as I used to), or find a job where I’m willing to sacrifice that 90% of my time because I think the cause is really important or the money is so…
  • Signoff/buyin meetings are useless. Meetings should be used for getting input and answering questions
  • Main purpose of estimates is to apply pressure
    • Very rarely do software estimates work out
  • Distinguish between:
    • Hard deadline
    • Soft deadline
    • Internal deadline
    • Expected completition date

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