عجفت الغور


Tags: personal



  • Lower aperature means lower lens open
    • f/2.4 - f/8, etc
  • Changing aperture changes depth of field
  • Shallow depth of field is basically impossible on phone
  • Wider aperture means shallower depth of field
  • Shallower depth of field means more focus on closer thing


  • Higher ISO means higher noise, but allows for faster shutter speed

Exposure Triangle

Light Meter

  • Only works on generalized assumptions
  • Databases, facial recongition, etc

Depth of Field

  • Unlikely to achieve shallow depth of field from smartphone, due to small sensor
  • Has to make changes to ISO
    • No aperature changes on phones
  • Phone camers don’t have a shutter!
  • Fast moving objects should be test shotted first!
  • ISO range is very different
  • Does have exposure compensation control
    • Makes up for the lack of manual overrides
  • Shooting in a RAW format lets you use manual exposure
  • Biggest diferences is in the actual mechanics of shooting

Shooting with a smartphone

  • The flash is usually not needed. Typically switch it off
  • HDR feature should be turned off until assured needed


  • Use most of the frame
  • Dynamic range: ratio of darkest to brightest dynamic range
  • Brightness is measured in stops
    • Double light -> “1 stop”
    • Human eye has ~18 stops
  • Further away from the subject reduces the dynamic range
  • Pay attention, as the camera moves around, it makes for different decisions
  • Tapping for focus and exposure

Low Light Shooting

  • Flash is unnatural
    • Especially for low light
  • Make sure elbows at your side
  • Don’t hold breath (makes you shake more)
  • Wait for screen to go black
    • Don’t trust the view finder
  • Careful of motion blur, view blurring, and others
    • Careful to tell you when the exposure is done

Night Mode

  • Night mode on phones composite large numbers of photos

Focal Length

  • Shooting with different focal length does not mean the image is the same
  • Lens changes the background


  • Don’t bother with pinch to zoom
  • Take the shop, crop it later

Shooting with flash

  • Fill flash -> filling in the shadowy areas with flash to compensate for high light in background
  • Flash on phones is not very strong, range is 3-4 ft


  • Most people shoot in portriat orientation
  • Drop to your knees to take a different PoV

Aspect Ratio

  • 4:3 to 16:9
  • crop everything out you don’t need
  • play around with where to put the horizon

Black and White Photos

  • Potenially easier, less information
  • Stripping out the information density
  • The conversion in post-production is a lot easier
  • Gives the option to make the photo simplier
    • Look for photos about lines and shape and form

Portrait Mode

  • Computational photography
    • Fakes shallow depth of field
  • Look for mistakes in the portrait mode filters
  • Not compatible with RAW

Panorama Mode

  • Most useful for wider angle in a small space
    • Fakes a wide-angle lens

Shooting in raw

  • Camera doesn’t apply changes
  • Raw data from senors
  • Adjust white balance
  • Sometimes recover overexposed highlights
  • Higher bit depth
  • Does not:
    • Sharper image
    • Greater dynamic range
  • Strictly about editing

Add on lenses

  • Macro lens lets you scale 1:1