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k/v stores

Tags: Databases


SpeedDB - https://github.com/speedb-io/speedb


  • Build on RocksDB, but less management
  • Generic KV store, supports snapshot reads and partial read/write
  • Snapshot reads
    • cheap operation that uses snapshot handlers to perform multiple reads
    • basically RCU, but if you read while a write is happening the read goes to a snapshot
      • handles versions, whereas RCU doesn’t handle versions
      • also uses a cleaner or garbage collector or sweeper, whereas RCU places the burden on the writer
  • Data can be replicated either with gossip protocols or paxos, although usually there’s a master
    • specific read only replicas called followers are occasionally added for high volume reads
  • Divides times into small epocs, each epoc zippy assigns a primary replica, that is the paxos leader
    • Allows clients to choose which consistency level they come into (same as Spanner)
    • Consistent reading -> clients go to the current primary of the shard
    • Stale information -> can go to a replica
    • Also allows for read-your-writes with a hash that signals to the replicas to manually update
  • Has a data shuttle, which basically tiers it into Primary -> Secondary -> Follower, on per shard basis
    • A shard is a box
  • Shard management service is the orchestrator, and tells each shard what they own, master that runs over the control plane
  • Store is based on top of RocksDB

SILT Design -> From Cassandra/dynamo

  • Scalable Index Large Table, that internally uses multiple stores
  • \(read amplification = {data read from storage}/{data read by application}\)
  • \(write amplification = {data written to storage}/{data written by application}\)

Note which things we can put in RAM vs Storage

  • RAM: index and filter, filters, index
    • PUT and DELETE are both managed here
  • Storage: log, hash tables, sorted things

Looking up logs via In Memory Hash Table

  • Write friendly store will append all PUT and DELETE into an in-storage log which makes the writing process fast, incoming requests are recorded as a write ahead log
  • Keep an in memory hash table that maps keys to their offset in the log, each entry in the hash table is added right after a successful entry in the in-storage log
  • Use a partial-key cuckoo hashing
    • Use part of the key, cuckoo hashing requires two ahsh functions, each of which map to two candidate buckets in the hash table.
    • Inserting/deleting a key:
      1. compute buckets h1(K1) and h2(K1), and check if one or both or none of the two buckets are empty
      2. If at least one bucket is empty, insert it into the bucket
      3. If both buckets are occupied, move or create a new table
    • Doing a get:
      1. if we do a get, look it up in the hash table. If there’s nothing in the hash table, go to the intermediary stores

Intemediary Stores

  • When the write-friendly store is full, it needs to create a new instance for further insertions

  • Basically compacts the log into a smaller log, sorted by hash

  • Similar to before, GETS can just use the hash table except it’s compacted for retrivals

Memory Efficient Store

  • At the final level, we need to compact more. These will sort keys and merge them using a trie

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