un and global governance lecture 6
Tags: UN and Global Governance
- Stabilization vs peacebuilding
- readings put forward the binary of stabilization vs peacebuilding
- what does “success” look like for stabilizing and peacebuilding
- long term strategy for peacebuilding -> ends in procedural democracy?
- long term strategy for stabilization -> restore state soverignty
- developing human intelligence
- “quick impact projects” -> UN country team
- readings put forward the binary of stabilization vs peacebuilding
- “What is stabilization”?
- SIPRI -> general trends for peace operations
- dodgy doctrinal status in UN missions
- Dorn: Intelligence Lead Peacekeeping - The United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti, united nations stabilization mission in the democratic republic of the congo (MONUSCO), united nations multidimensional integrated stabilization mission in mali (MINUSMA)
- penholders in sc practice stabilization in their own interventions
- create a space for political solution and reconstruction
- military actions are politized, and the boundary between military and political activity is blurred
- peacebuilding and statebuilding are the same in stabilization
- stabilization goes beyond counter-insurgency by being interagency

- united nations multidimensional integrated stabilization mission in mali (MINUSMA) - does not fight terrorism, but the french and the sahel forces are established with counter-insurgency
- MINUSCA -> rebels taking on local governance roles