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uprisings against the left

Tags: talks

Anthony Alessandrini

  • end of “white populism” as a fever dream
  • https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/des/article/view/18630
  • white working class fails to achieve a class conciousness
    • engagement and move towards white elites
  • is it a violence indentended to maintain the current state of violence
  • constellation of alternatives - angela davis
  • right using BLM and antifa, by terming these over and over, have really set the stage for discussion

Cubukcu Ayca

  • leftwing in one place may be rightwing in another

Alejandro Velasco

  • reading the last 15-20 years from leftwing uprisings to rightwing countermovements
    • there is something that is the right and the left and the middle
    • major challenge of the right in latam is not in policy or method, but with epistemic on revisionism on vocabulary
  • right came back to power through deft usage of parlimentary procedures, and strategic deployment of liberal discourses
    • whitewhashing of liberal values grounded in the supremcy of individual rights
  • usage of the liberal’s inability to see their discourses being used in another fashion
  • hid the accomplishments of the left in power by switching the debate to the failures of the left
    • cannot be understated, pink tide forced the right to specific positions
      • forced right to tackle the distribution of resources
  • left’s dependence on the activist model
  • the left’s mode is always a defensive one, but the horizon of possiblities is constrained by the discourses of the right
  • bolivia -> the wake of a morales
  • chile -> tremednous upsurge around rewriting of constitution
  • abandonment of the idea that the right and left exist, camoloughing this with “authortiarianism” or “facism” is different for social justice

Vijay Prashad

  • crossing boundaries leads to overt abstraction
  • revolutions post WW2 happen in poverty
    • gini coefficient