عجفت الغور

rpc tools blog post

Tags: writing

Here’s a list of infrastructure technologies I’ve worked with in the past two years:

  • grpc
  • kubernetes
  • istio
  • envoy
  • kubeflow
  • kfserving
  • etcd
  • rabbitmq
  • redis
  • kyoto tycoon
  • cassandra
  • hbase
  • postgres
  • haproxy
  • solr
  • kafka
  • pulsar
  • zookeeper
  • consul

These are loosely organized since each of the technologies do multiple things. Looking back on this, it’s a little absurd that this is the case. There’s far too much going on here, and I think I’m not out of the ordinary for programmers in usage of these tools.

If you squint at it, these tools largely fall into the classical two buckets of “middleware” and “database”. Middleware consists of grpc/k8s/etc, while database consists of redis/cassandra/kyoto/pg/etc. One concept that has been discussed for this cambrian explosion of technologies is that

Service infrastructure has become too complicated

  • istio

  • kubernetes

  • grpc

  • kubeflow

  • kfserving

  • envoy

  • consul

  • zookeeper

  • kafka

  • pulsar

  • rabbit

  • redis

  • cassandra

  • pg/mysql

  • hbase

  • haproxy

  • varnish

  • solr

  • ace/tao/ciao/dance