عجفت الغور


Tags: computers


  • Nowadays, all registers can be used as general purpose registers
  • RBP is used as a general purpose one, with RSP taking the role as a frame pointer. RIP is still in the stack memory region for each function call
  • info registers in gdb
  • Constants are encoded in instructions, but arbitrary values are retrieved from memory
  • Goto is a JMP
  • Function calls are CALL
  • When a function is called from a caller, the callee needs to make room for local variables. In 64bit x86, usually the first six arguments are passed in registers
  • Then it saves the base pointer into RBP, and then sets up the new base ptr

Cache Lines

Types of Caches

Direct Mapped Cache

  • Like consistent hashing, each memory address is used to map a block to a specific cache line
  • both provide deterministic mapping

Fully Associative Cache

  • Memory can be stored in any cache line, but we need to search to find it

Set Associative

  • Memory address is used to determine the set, and the data can be placed in any block within the set

Load-Linked and Store-Conditional (LL/SC)

  • Pair of instructions used in concurrent programming
  • Achieves syncronization without locks
  • Load-Linked - reads the current value from memory location and “links” it, typically by marking the address in a special way within the processor
  • Store-Conditional - attempts to write a new value to the memory location that was read by LL. Write will only succeed if the location has not been udpated since LL was executed

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