عجفت الغور

Turabian - A Manual for Writers

Tags: books, writing

Interrogate your topic:

  • How does the topic fit into a larger context? Historical, social, cultural, geographic, functional, economic, etc
    • How do the topics fit into a larger story?
    • How is the topic a functioning part of the system?
  • How does the topic compare and contrast to other topics like it?
  • How has the topic changed through time? Why? What is its future?
  • How does the part of your topic fit together as a system?
  • How many categories of your topic are there?
  • Turn positive questions into negative ones
  • Ask speculative questions
  • Ask “What if” questions
  • Ask questions that reflect disagreements with a source
  • Ask questions that reflect agreements and expand upon those agreements
  • Ask questions analogous to those others have asked about similar topics