عجفت الغور

s curves

Tags: finance

Interest rate sensitive products are epxosed to market rates by different curves

S (swap and basis spread curves) and bond curves (F and M)


  • Swap curve built out of fixed coupon rates of market quoted interest rate swaps across different maturities in time.
  • Consists of a fixed leg and a floating leg
  • Swpa curves are constructed in segments from the market prices of various fixed income instruments
  • Short end of swap curve (< 3 months) is calibrated on unsecurted deposit rates
  • Middle area of the curve (3months - 2 years) isdervied from a combination of forward rate agreement congrats and interest rate futures
  • Long end of the curve is constructed from observed quotes of swap rates (out to 10 years or more)
  • Single currency basis spread curves are constructed from market quotes for basis swaps
    • Basis swap is a floating-floating interest rate swap under the floating rate payments are referenced to different bases
  • Used for
    • Pricing fixed income instruments such as corporate bonds, mortgage securities, and other securitized products
    • Price cash flows, swaps, FX forwards, and other derivatives