un and global governance lecture 11
Tags: UN and Global Governance
Anou Borrey - Somalia
- governance and peacebuilding of international settings
- IO’s do not hold the solutions!
- UNSCR 1325
- noticing that 1325 is insufficient
- requires us to move beyond the checklist problems
- can we think through rules of law without aggressive policing?
- rwanda - women outnumbered men following the genocide, which meant that they had to take on certain roles
- poverty rates of women and sexual violence is very high, large power imbalance between the genders
- iraq - women had to have funding to run for parliment
- in post conflict countries, money speaks
- war economies are hard to let go
- G7 feminist development agenda principles
- many unresolved questions (youth, minorities)
- 4 main elements
- transformative change
- aims to redress the historical power imbalances between mena nd women
- intersectionality
- multiple aspects of identity that play out in people’s lives
- agency
- importance of agency, either an individual or group’s ability to make choices to transform those choices into desired outcomes
- UN is often seen as a part of government
- process
- feminist aid prioritizes not only reuslts, but the process used to achieve them
- marlyin strathrone
- transformative change
- silos have very limited impact
- training local staff to go out and collect information in somalia
- found out 74% of women were breadwinners

- the UN thinks it brings solutions, but does not look carefully enough at the coping mechanisms developed in communities
- a women is always refered to wrt to their relationship to men
- UNDP - local governance project being looked at
- most interesting work are happening in the communities
- not enough engagement with the local community and local history
- Notions of “masculinity” - peace as feminine and war as masculine
- which leads to the idea that women are more active in peacebuilding activites then they actually are
- the partipation of women in the peace process
- requires speciifc advocacy of women following the conflict
- views on sexual violence are extremely skewed towards women
- pregent women, mothers, and victims of sexual violence
- women are entering an institution where the binary of masculinity and feminity are bound
- gender mainstreaming -> how do you make the topic of gender dead?
- you make it a mechanical bureacratic process,
- this is difficult to assess within a particular organization