Cliffe: UN Peace and Security Reform
Tags: articles, un and global governance lecture 12
- “UN Peace and Security Reform: Cautious Steps in the Right Direction | Center on International Cooperation.”
- article analyzes antonio guterres adoped High-Level Independent Panel on UN Peace Operations (HIPPO), advisory group of experts (AGE), and UNSCR 1325
- sec-gen proposes changing the department of political affairs to include peacebuilding, and changing the DPO to manage large field missions
- resolves:
- no more overlap between DPA and DPKO (both missions had become political and operational)
- allows UN to deploy a “spectrum of operations”
- mission transitions should be made smoother

- potential issues:
- institutional support functions are still separated from the peacebuilding groups
- peacebuilding support no longer has a direct line to SG, must be through the DPPA, and becoming tied to a single pillar
- no discussions of what gender looks like
- maangement reforms are not addressed
- authority is delegated, but fiscal responsibilities are not
- politics remain the same: USGs for Political Affairs and PO are the same, held by the united states and france