عجفت الغور

islamic jurisprudence lecture 13

Tags: islamic jurisprudence

  • setting up the project
    • Do people still argue that the ulama in the 20th century are still characterized as a conservative force?
      • are the ulama overrepresented?
    • he focuses on Bakhit
      • ulama are proclaimed as the discourse of
    • bakhit in adopting the modernist epistimes, is no longer a frame of islamic law
    • discursive tradition of asad as a madhab
      • thinking in the terms of mcintyre is describing if we open the doors that wide
      • is the tradition “sharing the rules of the game” - legal typology?
    • is the “social madhab” a convincing one?
      • social institution
      • what is the inverse of the social madhab?
        • grants the ulama a way to tackle the reformists
        • he constrats it with the interpretive madhab
        • the madhab is still important as a form of solidarity
        • but continuing to partipate in the framework makes it so that you’re not constrained by the same predecessor interpretive structures
      • is the network of the interconnected scholars distinctively hanafi?
        • or do they claim hanafi “traditions”
    • bakhit’s trans-regional-ness, is that grounding or expanding the
      • practical colonial questions that needed to be solved
  • chapter 2
    • foregrounding between Rida and Bakhit
    • bakhit in the 1906 debate takes rida back
    • is this new temporality a historical conciousness that emphasizes prophetic tradition, and pushes aside the medivil accretions
    • genuine novelty requires completely new ijtihad
      • what happens with the passage of time?
      • drawing on maverick thinkers
        • bakhit is tapping into this strain
    • thinkers are given promience due to the chain of scholarship history, not because they are addressing the problems of the time
  • chapter 3
    • dichotemcy between science and religious scholars dissolved after the early period
      • bakhit’s portrayal and his narrative
    • incorporating islam to the prevailing scientific theories of the day?
    • no other time where scholars would have to confront scientific theory and have to incorporate it into jurisprudence
    • what is this chapter doing in the book?
      • are we tired of the centrality of the state?
    • seduction of modern science -
      • notion of semmetry that is not attainable
  • chapter 4
    • objective reality that bakhit believes, and that this can be known through scientific means, this is a change of how fiqh was perceived
    • what was the characterization of western science?
    • is science and qiyas very far apart?
  • chapter 5
    • semioitics of religion
    • reconceptualizing religious matters to not needing to be verified
    • new notions of secular and religious
    • din/dunya dichometcy
    • what consitutes as din-ni is not adjudicatble in the court of law
  • using madhab as an organizing principle for islamic tradition