عجفت الغور


Tags: computers


  • Build on linux namespaces and cgroups
    • Namespaces segregate the system by allowing each container to have its own view of the system, via process ID’s, network interfaces, etc
    • Control groups segregate the physical hardware between them
    • Capabilities splits the privleages of the root user into distinct units that can be managed
    • seccomp filters system calls made by processes to restrict kernel functionality


  • LXC - tools, templates, and library and language bindings that use the kernel containment features directly - https://linuxcontainers.org/
  • libcontainer - golang library created for docker that uses the kernel containment features
  • runc - portable container runtime that implements the OCI spec, cli wrapper for libcontainer

High Levels

  • Docker - container engine, used to use LXC but then switched to libcontainer/runc
  • rkt - podnative design that was built by CoreOS (no longer developed)
  • containerd - daemon that manages the complete container lifecycle, from image transfer to exec to supervision. Used by kubernetes (k8s) and docker internally
  • CRI-o - lightweight container engine specifically for kube, alternative to running kube


Opening Docker Images