عجفت الغور

dos Santos et al: Improving Security of United Nations Peacekeepers

Tags: un and global governance lecture 3, papers

  • since 2013, 195 have died
  • Non-state actors create new dangers
  • lack of pre-deployment training exposes problems
  • spikes in casualities starting in 2011, continues until today
  • claims that people plan peacekeeping missions w/o being aware of the risks
  • combination of defensive posture, risk-adverse usage of force, and unwise risk taking leads to deaths
  • poor combination of lack of intelligence, poor information sharing, and bad training makes for unmeshed peacekeeping operations
  • missions are large, various bureacratic turf wars for operations and logistics

key problems

  1. organization level of the UN has not adapted
  2. leadership is lacking, especially @ sector commander level
  3. missions have unmmaned, undermanned, and ill-equipped troops
  4. failure to have strong response after serious attacks lets criminals operate with inpunity
  5. pre-deployment readiness must be followed, no more caveats
  6. in mission training, less cycling of troops (most troops leave every 6 months)
  7. poor infrastructure in country threatens all
  8. IED detection and attacks on camps/bases
  9. lacking intelligence
  10. field health care also lacking
  11. mission footprint needs to be oriented
  12. mutual accountability by all