un and global governance lecture 13
Tags: UN and Global Governance
presentation planning
- small summary
- background and history of sexual violence
- how it became popular
- issues with papers and methodology
- statistics here implies intercorrelation under casual networks
- everything is correlated and bet on sparsity principals
- statistics here implies intercorrelation under casual networks
- paper one pager
- The mechanics of the mission entails several second order effects
- interactions with local populations
- sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) - Karim & Beardsly
- Finds that reductions of SEA require “cultivation of value for gender equality among all peacekeepers”
- peacekeeper babies - Simić and O’Brien
- First became a concern in Liberia and East Timor
- Zero tolerance policy remains muddly and makes little distinction between exploitative and consensual relationships.
- sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) - Karim & Beardsly
- host government
- taxation and pay
- Host governments are often in a weak position, and UN tax exemptions “undermines the building of a viable local revenue authority”
- Because the UN often pays more than civil service positions, a “brain drain” may occur from civil servant roles towards UN ones
- question of whether the government exists or not
- Lack of sweage and sanitation systems can magnify issues the UN brings, such as cholera - Lemay-Hébert
- taxation and pay
- these effects have a direct impact on the success of the mission
- technocratic fixes tend to ignore interactions with the local populace
- engagements with the host government are shallow and often act as the UN is not on the ground
- these effects are not necessarily “unintented”, but rather delayed and not considered at the start of the mission
- interactions with local populations
- The mechanics of the mission entails several second order effects
- Second order effects abound:
- Sexual exploitation and abuse of local populations by peacekeepers began to be addressed in 2002
- will talk about uninteded and second order effects of UN peacekeepers
- focuses on the mechanics of peacekeeping troops
- Will be split into talking about the UN’s interactions with local populations, with the host government and broader takeaways
adam day
- political economy lens
- understands how the impact of interventions in the systems in the markets
- modern conflicts are driven by greed
- greed vs grievance (jake sherman - greed and greivance)
- paul collier - greed explains better than grievance, economic models predict better than political ones
- binary does not necessarily exist
- granularity of nation level does not actually tell us very much
- shift in scope and ambition and usage of force in peacekeeping
- oversight of peace agreements to building of state authority and capacity building
- model of conflict where the state needs to be extended
- give war a chance - luttwak
- elite bargins project
- peacebuilding and authoritarianism
- statebuilding ideaology - susan woodward
- elite capture of peacebuilding
- severene autessare - the trouble with the congo