Simic & O'Brien: Peacekeeper Babies
Tags: papers, un and global governance lecture 13
- Simić and O’Brien, “‘Peacekeeper Babies.’”
- Strategic strategy began to be adopted in 2008 on the status of sexual abuse in peacekeepign missions
- argues that the UN policy fails to distinguish between sexually explotive and consenual relationships
- first allegations of sexually explotive peacekeepers were from Mozambique, bosnia, cambodia, somalia, as well as west africa
- lack of reporting has hindered clear distinction of what forms sexual explotiation and abuse has taken
- UN began to address SEA in 2002
- explores the consequences of peacekeepers in the host state wrt to sexual relationships engaged while in the mission
- then turns to the case of Marko Susnja - a boy fathered and abonded by a Bosnian peacekeeper