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programming kubernetes chapter 2 - kube api server

Tags: hausenblas - programming kubernetes

Kube API basics

  • Core responsbilities
    • serve the Kube API -> reading/manipluating state, usually in etcd
    • proxy cluster components

HTTP Interface

http interface provides 4 structures:

  1. Kinds
    • Type of entity, each object has a kind
    • usually 3 categories of kinds
      1. objects -> a persistent entity within the system
      2. lists -> 1 or more kinds
      3. special purpose -> for special actions, like status
  2. API Group
    • collection of kinds that are logically related
    • like /apis/core
  3. Version
    • each API group can (and likely does) exist as multiple versions
    • All objects are either in one API version or none
  4. Resource
    • lowercase, plural word that identifies a set of HTTP endpoints
      • usually sends and receives a single kind
      • can have subrouses, usually implemented with custom HTTP protocols like websockets
    • always corresponds to an HTTP path


  • Group Version Resource (GVR)
    • Uniquely identifies a HTTP path
  • Group Version Kind (GVK)
    • what a GVR returns

Special Notes

  • api/v1 exists outside of apis as a legacy holdover, should be apis/core/v1
  • cluster wide entities have different values, such as /metrics, /logs, and /healthz
  • specs vs status
    • specifications - desired state for a resource
    • status - observed state for a resource

API server internals

Each API group has a specific handler, and there are 6 different phases internally

  1. Entry
  2. Authn/authz
  3. mutation admission -> this is where the incoming request can be transformed
  4. schema validation
  5. validating admission -> large part of the validation logic
  6. etcd