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nyc -> montreal bike ride


Day 1: NYC -> Red Mills

  • Private property, no public lands

Day 2: Red Mills -> Albany

  • Pretty, the rail trail is nice and serparted
  • Upstate new york has all these weird martyr things, very similar to iraqi shia ones
  • Catksills and aderondacks, not sure what else is there, small villages are very strange

Day 3: Albany -> Ticonderoga

  • Worse part of the ride, over 100 miles and between Whitehall and Ticonderoga is shitty climbing, followed by hills, last of the aderondacks
  • Route 4 is bad, between Compton and Whitehall is sketchy, but the side roads are sooo hilly, so take your pick
  • Trail splits here, one path to Buffalo
  • Met some guys that came from Buffalo to Albany
  • Fort edward bike shop, very good

Day 4: Ticonderoga -> Burlington

  • Boat is cool, Vermont drivers are better, lots of unpaved roads
  • People were continually curious about where I was riding to and where I had ridden from
  • Lots of places where a flat could’ve caused things to go south
  • No veteran posters in vermont either
  • Lots of tiny little towns where they say they were founded in 1776, very young country

Day 5: Burlington -> Montreal

  • Very flat, super quick zoom zoom, not much to discuss, very pretty
  • St Jean Richilieu is okay but not super interesting
  • Montreal is a very pretty city, it’s close to america but definitely not american
  • Rue Ontario is really a shitshow up north
  • Art museum was very good

Day 6: Montreal -> St Albans

  • Same as before, vermonter takes bikes, a decent enough situation