Macaes - History has Begun
Tags: books
Polemic argument about how america was shaped by television and gives onto it’s own unreality
- “Revolutionaries who have lost faith in the revolution” -> Bayat - Revolution without Revolutionaries
- Poses the question “can the chinese economy master technology?” Assumptions of neoliberal frame is that the democratic/western/liberal was the king of technology
- Argues that the US is more addicted to global primacy than liberal values
- Cycles of government (ibn khaldun)
- American constiutional triumpalism as a marker of decline - ben ackerman
- Does a broad stroke comparison of UK/Europe/American as Romans/Greeks
- Incredibly orientialist and draws upon lots of bad history
- US affirmed global primacy against europe more oftan than with it
- past looms large in the american mind
- Frontier lands and the notions of settler colonialism
- More and more americans migrated towards “the west”, where “the east” was seen as an extension of europe
- Is this why the “real” american is stereotyped as this conception of midwestern american
- More and more americans migrated towards “the west”, where “the east” was seen as an extension of europe
- Toqville comments on how future improvements in america are aimed to make life slightly more convient
- pg 36
- Talks about how the united states has blended religion and democracy
- “echoes of vast asian despotic states”
- pg 39
- oddly shallow in meaning
- “Once a relative distribution of power no longer favors the west…the search for a new foreign policy begins”
- Once freed of european shackles, the US can search for a new future
- Babitt
- American society as a theme park, no longer as a home
- Americans were the first visual culture with tv
- starts to be the appearance of things that matter, rather than the things themselves
- aesthtics matter more than the actual thing
- “reality and unreality briged together”
- pg 71
- concept that things had become fiction
- US exports unreality and imports reality
- arms exports are the ultimate fiction, they largely are for show and not meant to be used
- US exports unreality and imports reality
- “On the one hand,. the unmasking of the bourgious belief in objective reality that any meaningful struggle against reality has become absurd”
- American life continously emphasizes its own artificiality
- show that you know how to have fun, not just having fun
- job interviews show more than that you just know the job, you also know how to interview
- elements with strong narrative structures
- Reality is experienced through the fictionalized enactment of the opposite
- kurt anderson
- memes as a fictionalized structure
- before you had to conceptualize the story, now you just have to look at the meme
- the meme makes complex topics legible and simple topics complex
- content collapse
- allows you to avert your eyes from the reality
- political correctness stands for the shift whereby social actors become increasingly concerned less with the way they live and more with the way they are portrayed in the narrative
- Changing presidents is now changing the TV channel
- We are larping through the events
- society is performative, online spaces
- you need to generate content to be “alive” in the digital space
- Hannah Arendt -> hitler and stalin generated lies
- socialism became rehabitiated in this manner
- trump offers the virtual experiences of a nationalist regime without the real world consequences of one for privilaged people
- As reality moves on, enchanted by mammon, macheviallan tech workers, authoritarian regimes
- AOC is inventing a relatiy
- Concept of overlapping circles of religion, freedom, artists, etc
- With liberalism encompassing everything else
- Makes the argument aht we miss the promise of unreality, that now that there are no shackles, we can truly explore alternative system
- Old american: freedom is fine as long as you don’t harm someone
- New american: freedom is fine as long as you don’t impose your realities on someone
- Memes as a storytelling experiments without being reminded of their flaws and incomptetncies
- Amish/Hasidics as experiecing a different reality?
- boogaloo boys blog post?
- “overbearing concern with fostering skeptical attitude prevents us from actually engaging with life”
- if we are skpetical towards everything (like anti-vaccers) do we reatreat into our own realities?
- amusing that macaes talks about americanism and TV while constantly referencing westworld
- American populism is freedom in its own way, foretting the truth
- alt-right rail against political correctness not b/c they are racist, but because the political correctness esposes a single truth
- democracy is less the incorporation of values but appealing to values now
- need to turn out voters instead of growing the tent
- states do not shape reality anymore, they are mere actors again
- the twin insurgency
- “plundering of states” theory
- The religious question is a dead one
- reconcilation of technoly and political values need to happen
- paradox of stopping the historical clock looks bad in a progressive society
- historical clock looks less attractive for those who feel like they are living in a fundalmentally just society
- liberals like to pretend to fight against the establishment or the oligarchy, but they are fighting religion and technology
- do whatever you want, but you can’t shake the mighty edifice of freedom
- finance takes on a specific role if the future is indefinite
- peter theil
- money as a means to an end vs money as optionality
- tech VC’s and Braben - Scientific Freedom: The Elixir of Civilization
- Action creates reality, liberally manifesting destiny
- western settlers have shown the way
- vietnam was where the logs breaks down adn the pathos took over
- kennan’s “total withdraw, followed by silence”
- american amnesia
- Massive force only works in a few circumstances where the risk of escalation is low
- lebanon in 1958
- dominican republic
- Power projection fantasy
- technology changes in light of desert storm, first televised war
- war is now santizied, removed from the death for the domestic audienc e
- kosovo
- mobilized nato citizens as spectators
- israel mobilizes citizens to a new level?
- one belt one road
- macaes suggests obor is a geopolitical quest
- even though it’s largely patchwork
- peripheral and absent from all global questions
- US & Chaina are moving closer as a they move ideaologically apart
- macaes suggests obor is a geopolitical quest