jaeger deep dive
Tags: kubernetes (k8s)
- https://github.com/jaegertracing
- Mastering distributed tracing book
- Transative service graphs
- Services with the request originating from the service is highlighted
- Trace diffs in jaeger latest version
- Jaeger
- From dapper and openzipkin
- Created at Uber in 2015
- From dapper and openzipkin
- Jaeger inside now uses Kafka
- sampling is to reduce costs of sampling
- trace data is usually very repetitive
- sampling -> consistent (all or nothing), no missing parts of the trace
- head based sampling
- easy to implement
- spread out configuration since there may be multiple
- remote sampling
- reads configuration from central tier in the backend
- tail based sampling
- can be much more advanced
- can catch anomalies
- requires temp storage of all tarces
- applications constantly incur performance
- opentelemetry implementation of the opentracing api
- allows you to change tracing systems
- jaeger components in opentelemetry
- opentelemetry sdk’s have jaeger grpc exporter and jaeger propagation
- this means anything exporting with open telemetry can use jaeger
- opentracing shim
- all existing opentracing libs with opentelemtry sdk
- jaeger client libs support w3c trace context
- deploying jaeger onto kubernetes (k8s)
- helm charts
- jaeger operator -> most advanced, allInOne and production deployment
- auto provision with Kafka
- plain kube manifest