de Soto & del Castillo: Implementation of Comphrensive Peace Accords
Tags: el salvador, un and global governance lecture 5
- UN proclaims success in el salvador, but it’s highly likely this wasn’t possible
- problems
- national civil police in el salvador
- transfer of land to former combatants
- UN peace accords started from 1990 to 1991, a “negotiated revolution”
- appearance of armed bands following the peace accords
- ONUSAL was asked to be extended by the salvadoreans
- extremely intrusive, basically UN “omnipresence”
- el salvador was largely broken due to income inequality, which then had the landed class nurture a powerful armed forces to protect themselves
- constant external financing problems, especially in light of the problems caused by the collapse in coffee prices, lead to need for more external financing
- international negotiating effor was developed and maintained by the sec gen
- makes the case that el salvador’s gains are not irreversible, and the various assinations and killings presents a difficult problem to solve
- “race towards elections” - lulls the international community into thinking that the problem is finished
- questions of “exit scenario”, what consitutes a proper exit scenario?