Dayon et al: Career Foreign Fighters
Tags: papers, militias,bosnia, talks
- Career FF’s have an outside impact on the conflicts they go to
- Typically bring in transnational links
- Conflicts that lack a credible threat of genocide typically have harder time drumming up FF’s
- Career FF’s are greater security threat than non-career ones
- Limited window of opportunity for inhibiting FF’s
- Some conflicts produce more
- This effect is hard to disentagle from the time since the war, however
- Some conflicts produce more
- Some FF’s have come with a letter of recommendation
- No single individual profile of FF’s
Daymon, Chelsea, Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn, and David Malet. “Career Foreign Fighters: Expertise Transmission Across Insurgencies.” RESOLVE Network, April 13, 2020.
Foreign fighters (FF’s) are debated whether they are more dangerous returning to their country or left unaccounted for
Many FF’s enjoy career progression from one conflict to another
Discusses the crime/terror nexus in europe
FF’s interactions with local communities sometimes makes them liabilities
- afghanistan was the case for many of the ansars
Malet, David, and Miriam J. Anderson, eds. Transnational Actors in War and Peace: Militants, Activists, and Corporations in World Politics. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2017.
FF’s go to defend a transnational community percieved to be under existential threat
- FF’s also see higher casualty rates
Bosnia jihad
- First wave of FF’s were largely useless
- Second wave had combat experience from afghanistan, which made them far more useful
Staniland, Paul. Networks of Rebellion: Explaining Insurgent Cohesion and Collapse. Cornell Studies in Security Affairs. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2014.
Rebel leaders either build deeply integration “vertical” ties or rely on more dispered “idealogical” ties